Little Carpathians are one of the most popular mountains of western part of Slovakia. Vacation and relax in Little Carpathians is the basis for many inhabitants of Bratislava and its surroundings up to Myjava for hiking, cycling, climbing, swimming, fishing, skiing, cross country skiing and many other recreational activities you can prictice right there.

Not very high mountains covered with dense deciduous forests with light terrain and a lot of pleasant hiking trails, represent an ideal weekend and holiday target for population of Bratislava and surrounding villages.

Approximately 90 kilometers long main ridge is one of the most beautiful trails in the west of the country, with alternating forests, meadows and peaks around 400-700 m high with beautiful views of the surrounding region.

The highest point is 768 m high Záruby. Most beautiful views also includes Somár, Vápenná and Vysoká. Forests are inhabited by many species of insects and wildlife. There is a broad variety of flora present here as well.

Little Carpathians offer good conditions for various kinds of sports. Mountaineering and cycling - road or mountain, climbing on rocks, (Pajštún, Havranica, Traja Jazdci), or winter cross-country skiing, or downhill skiing. The main ski resort is saddle Pezinska Baba, suitable for beginners. There is a huge amount of cross-country skiin trails available in Little Carpathians, from which the most popular is crossing from Pezinská Baba to Kamzík or circuits in the area of Pezinská Baba ski resort.

A big attraction for fans of history is quite a large number of castle ruins in the mountains. The best known include Devín Castle, Pajštún, Dračí Castle, Plavecký Castle, Korlátka , Smolenice Castle, Čachtice Castle, Červený Kameň, Biely Kameň.

Visitors should not miss Little Carpathians Wine Route and vintage or goose feast which each year is organized in small cities like Modra, Pezinok or Slovenský Grob.

Little Carpathians are despite its quite low altitude real center of holiday in Slovakia, relax or cool weekend in the countryside, accompanied by an abundance of rich cultural and historical sites and events.