Devín - Bratislava Run is a traditional running event, which usually launches the whole running season in Slovakia. This year it will be held on Saturday 13.04.2014. Pleasant spring run, suitable for all categories of runners takes place on the main track 11,625 m long with start under the Devín castle rock and finish line in the center of Bratislava near the Danube river.

The event can be viewed as too mass one, though this is one of the most enjoyable runs of the season. Maybe it's because of a big cathegory variety of participating runners.

This road run with a long tradition takes place on an undulating route leading along the Danube river in direction to Bratislava. Devin - Bratislava Run struggles with an increasing number of candidates, while participation is counted in the thousands. This fact means more complicated organization of the whole event, but anyway it is managed on a very good level from signing of the participants - transportation from city center on buses to the processing performance times of individual runners.

As mentioned above, every runner will be satisfied even less trained runners. Better and more motivated ones will find good level of competition here. For children, the route along the Danube bank at a length of 2 600 m is ready. In case of unexpected health problems is health service in place. The whole event is escorted by police to assure the safety of the runners. Award ceremony will take place in the heart of Bratislava Old Town.

Come and run Devin - Bratislava 2014 and enjoy a nice weekend experience!